Learning by doing is a shared responsibility.

By Hoël Duret, The Big Conversation Space, and Frédéric Teschner. Learn more. Contact us at love@icdab.club.


I Can Do anything Badly II: Conversation d'Introduction

This book aims to put in common the strategies, methodologies, motivations, and experiences of a wide range of young creators, organizers, and business owners in art, design, technology, academia, and Internet culture in order to document the spirit of DIY in the digital age.

Rather than attempt to bring an immediate answer that would soon be obsolete, we want to depict a panorama of what is around us and what we are looking at today as artists and creators. In so doing, we aim also to put the conversations and methodologies of open source and free culture in dialogue with contemporary art and design practice.

Entretien avec Fabien Hein, Chercheur, Enseignant et Sociologue

Fabien Hein est Maître de conférences en sociologie à l’Université de Lorraine, au sein du Laboratoire Lorrain de Sciences Sociales de l’UFR Sciences Humaines et Sociales à Metz. Son domaine de recherche concerne principalement les industries culturelles et en particulier la scène punk-rock.

Interview with Stephen LaPorte from Hatnote, Programmer and Internet Law Enthusiast

Stephen is legal counsel for the Wikimedia Foundation by day and writer of free software at all other hours (sometimes overlapping). In this interview, he discusses what Wikipedia is and what he does for and with it, ruminating on the relationships between law, programming, and culture.

Entretien avec Kräftig Atelier, Studio de Design D'Objets Créé par Baptiste Mahé et Clément Hayer

Baptiste Mahé et Clément Hayer ont fondé Kräftig Atelier à Ivry-sur-Seine en 2012 dans leur garage, après des études à l’École des Beaux-Arts. Ils discutent de leur pratique de fabricants d’objets et de meubles, de l’expérience pragmatique de la fabrication et du rôle du numérique dans le design aujourd’hui.

Questions About Colpa Press, Publishing House with Luca Antonucci and Carissa Potter

COLPA is a publishing company in San Francisco, California that specializes in hand-made art books and limited edition prints. These publications challenge the relationship between printmaking and concept, creating objects in a reciprocal dialog with the way in which they are produced. Founded by Carissa Potter and Luca Antonucci in 2010, with great assistance from graphic designer Hailey Loman, COLPA is now a partnership between David Kasprzak and Luca Antonucci. This interview is with COLPA founders, Luca and Carissa.

Interview with Troy Pieper, Tiff Hockin and Ariel Pate, Founders and Editors of Art Review and Preview (ARP!)

Art Review and Preview (ARP!) was an independent arts newspaper that published 12 issues (11 newspapers and one book), in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA from 2007-2010.

ARP! sought to re-examine what a "local art scene" is, and could be. With a quarterly distribution of 5,000 copies, the publication fostered the growth of community through its open submissions process and compassionate, persevering editorial approach. This interview is with the trio that ran the ship: founders and editors Ariel Pate, Tiff Hockin, and Troy Pieper.

Entretien avec Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay, Responsable Juridique pour Creative Commons France

Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay est chercheuse au CNRS à l'Institut des Sciences de la Communication depuis 2010 et responsable juridique bénévole pour Creative Commons France depuis 2003. Elle parle de la notion de culture libre dans le cadre juridique des licences Creative Commons, créées il y a une dizaine d'années, d'abord aux États-Unis puis dans plusieurs pays dont la France pour étendre les usages permis par le droit d'auteur. Ces licences permettent aux auteurs d'autoriser le partage, l'utilisation, le remix et la redistribution d'œuvres musicales, visuelles, artistiques et littéraires dans un cadre légal.

Interview with Victor Grigas, Filmmaker, Photographer, and Storyteller for the Wikimedia Foundation

Victor discusses how he uses photography, video, and storytelling to put a human face on Wikipedia to help people understand the role they can play in building the world's largest and most popular encyclopedia. As a veteran Wikipedia contributor since 2005, Victor celebrates the manner in which the encyclopedia presents global opportunity for participation and challenges the commercially oriented fabric that has begun weaving itself into the Internet. He describes his creative process and strategies for interviewing volunteers alongside discussion of the utility of Wikipedia for sharing his own photographs, revealing the manner in which the Wikimedia Commons can function as an altruistic alternative to a gallery: increasing exposure to one’s art work and contributing to the enterprise of free knowledge.